Blog entry 39:
Ideological forms combining male and female:
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Sticking with the Ideological ideas of androgyny (blog entry 33), I have done the above, very quick experiments using iconic celebrities, Hue Jackman who is thought of to be very manly/ masculine and Natalie Portman who is considered by many to be very feminine, and I have put their heads on ideological opposite gender bodies. Unlike experiments 1, 2 and 3 (blog 33), the subjects here are fully clothed with stereotypically gender based clothes, to add to the stereotypes I am trying to portray here.
Due to Tim on Monday suggesting that I take the Geometric faces on an organic face, further by considering how far to distort my organic forms with the geometric, I have experimented with combining my androgynous ideological forms from blog entry 33 with this geometric combined with organic idea. I have thought about censorship and how this might be used
Combining Geometric faces on an ogranic face idea with original androgyny imagery:
In the above experiments, I have used the hexagonal geometric shapes to somewhat disguise the genital area of the androgynous experiments, but not fully. This is more of a subtle suggestion to the two figures having genitalia which stereotypically speaking does not match their bodies. I am fond of the use of overlapping lines and different sizes of the hexagons, and may consider how to take this further.
The above is a very quick experiment using the pipette tool on photoshop to grab 3 main tones which make up the penis on this character, and using the hexagons to create the feeling of tone, I feel that in order to make this work more effectively, I will need to use a wider range of tones or shades, than a simple 3 and take better care when suggesting the organic shape with geometric shapes, this may also work better with a lack of outline.
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I have used the geometric shapes here to suggest the 4 main forms which make up the penis in a very rudimentary way - the larger hexagon beneath, suggests the testicles; the five overlapping hexagons in the paler shade of pink suggest the penis length; the mid tone pink at the end of the five overlapping hexagons, suggests the end of the penis and the black hexagon suggests the hole in the end of the penis. This experiment feels very naive and childish, as it is a simplistic shape and suggestion (similarly to what an infantile child may draw on a notebook or desk at school).
When looking back at Quayola's Troyka Moscow exhibition (blog entry 30), I have noticed that not only does he use geometric shapes over organic forms, he blurs them so that the transition seems rather more obscure, similarly to looking at areas of a photograph which are out of focus. I have blurred some of my experiments using the blur tool in Photoshop, in order the make the genital area I have already made more obscure by adding geometric shapes, more so still.
I feel that this experimentation is in fact helping me to consider how to depict the divine in an obscure way, and will carry on my experimentation.
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