Monday, 10 March 2014

Influences and Inspiration X: Obscure shapes for obscure paintings: Vesica Piscis


Blog entry 62:

The Vesica Piscis is an unusual shape for an image often found in a church, this shape has connotations which relate to the idea that the shape might represent the shape of a vagina - could this be something else I use as a device to suggest androgyny:

Although I have for now disregarded the idea of androgyny to depict the divine for this project based on The Library of Babel, I feel that it is something I intend to consider further next semester, so as I find inspiration that may inform my practice at a later date I will record it for future consideration.

Vesica Piscis simple mapping diagram

As is aparent from the above diagram, the Vesica Piscis shows the interesect of two identical circles (the white area), which admittedly does look a little like a basic shape form of the female genitalia; however if turned to be horizontal this shape couls as easily represent the shape of an eye or a fish.

For more information on the origins and ideas behind one idea relating to the Vesica Piscis follow the link below:
(Murphy, 2012)

Vesica Piscis in art:

Mandorle: West Facade, Central Tympanum Western Gate of Chartres Cathedral

For more information on this particular releif image and the Vesica Piscis follow the link below:
(Chratres Secrets, 2008)

Mary and Christ mural, Santa Maria Church (unknown artist) 12th Century

For more information on the Vesica Piscis relating to tarot and Pagan beleif please follow the link below:
(Allen, 2000 - 2006)

(Please note all websites linked have been read by myself as information on the topic.)

If I decide to look further into the idea of Androgyny next semester, I feel this information here will be helpful when researching themes and ideas. The Vesica Piscis could also make an interesting shape on which to paint - instead of using a typical rectangle or square canvas of paper on which to paint, I could use this shape.

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