Thursday, 11 December 2014

Semester II: Free Machine embroidery


Blog entry 9:

As I intend to create a tactile aspect to my visual imagery on hands, I have chosen to use stitch. I have tried a number of hand stitch methods, but as is the nature of hand stitching it can take a long time, which as a practitioner, especially as an illustrator, can be an issue when working to deadlines.

To use stitch, but create faster results, I have decided to go back to my roots at college. During college I was taught a practice called Free Machine Embroidery. This technique is done by using a domestic sewing machine: The usual sewing machine foot is replaced with a specialised foot called an embroidery foot. The dog teeth, which pull the fabric through the machine in a forward motion, are dropped down to allow the fabric to move in any direction. By being able to move the fabric in any direction essentially allows me to draw in stitch.

With free machine embroidery there are a number of technicalities which need addressing such as lowering the tension, however I have learnt these prior to starting this course, so I am not going into something blind. This project will allow me to develop and perfect a visual technique.

Along with the tactile texture of the free machine stitch, I will be using the paint techniques I developed last semester, this combination should create interesting and unusual visuals. As the masters projects are designed to create work which has something new about it, I feel that this combination is a step in the right direction.

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