Blog entry 18:
MA / MDes Visual
Name: Helen – Marie Kelly
Stage: Diploma
Date & Draft Version:
17/12/2014 Draft 2
1. Working Title: Images
of the Human Hand: A Gesture to Body Confidence and Modesty
2. Rationale for the project
proposed: Provide a
concise, logical rationale for the project, 200 words.
My project title, Images of the Human Hand: A Gesture
to body Confidence and Modesty is indicative of the tactile nature of my chosen
medium, stitch and paint mixed with the social commentary that imagery of the
human hand provides to create a faceless but very human element, which is
desired to address issues of body confidence and modesty. During the concept
module, I researched and explored images of the human hand and their potential
to create complex social commentary on the human condition. As humans we are
arguably the most aware of the self. Self-awareness to the extent we as humans
experience it is so powerful, that disorders and issues involving our physical
appearance are not uncommon. Although a wide range of practitioners have
addressed this type of subject before in abundance, the issue is still a
current day problem that to my mind has not been fully addressed in the best
way. In the past, subjects such as this may have not been handled in such a way
as to ensure that the intended audience understood the full variety of people
who deal with such issues and it is possible that by creating specific
characters or suggesting that only certain types of people are entitled to feel
this way is detrimental to getting sufferers help. I intend to use the hand to
create a human element in my imagery without provoking a specific judgment on
who might suffer from self-awareness disorders. The power of the hand here will
be the leading factor to comment on a specific but complex contemporary issue.
3. Audience: Describe the audience that the
project is aimed at. Ask yourself, who will benefit from the process or outcome
of the project proposed, whose needs will you meet, who are you communicating
with, who are you seeking to persuade or inform?
My target audience is predominantly adult, the work is
intended to be aimed at people who are less likely to be moved by pre existing
imagery on subjects such as eating disorders, self consciousness and BDD, which
is often aimed at the teenage community. These adults may have that someone
close to them is suffering or may be suffering himself or herself, but may not
realise that these types of issue could even possibly apply to their situation.
4. Theoretical Framework: Summarise the theoretical framework
of your practice enquiry.
This project exists to communicate how the human hand
in imagery has the power to create complex commentary on the human condition
and provoke an empathetic response to issues of body confidence and modesty
without being subjected to pre conceived ideas about who can feel this way.
My practice involves creating painted/ embroidered
garments, which suggest how messages created by the positioning of the hands
can be strengthened by placing the imagery in tandem with the body, without
visually representing the body in such a way that it becomes an overpowering
element. Flat imagery focuses on how the hand is capable of commentary alone.
5. Methodology: Set out the visual methodology you
will employ in researching the question you have set yourself. Construct a
time-based structure for your visual research and practice.
My methodology is designed to address design problems
in an ordered fashion to gradually move the idea generation and image making
process forward.
In my main sketchbook(s) I intend to research how the
human hand can be created visually to make successful commentary on body
confidence and self-awareness, whilst creating visual samples in my chosen
medium of stitch and paint through experimentation, which are desired to answer
specific design problems. For example I have produced a set of samples, which
are desired to ascertain the best way to understand how images of the hand can
remain the dominant factor when in tandem with the body. Sample sets are
intended to gradually progress in quality with a view to making high quality
final outcomes.
My blog is designed to research current contemporary
practitioners, issues and fashions to aid my practice theme along with other
such elements of interest relating to my chosen mediums. The blog will also
include considerations for how I intend to take my practice further with a view
to leaving university and considerations for the future of my career.
6. Deliverables: Please list the outcomes that you
envisage resulting from the project.
A set of three garments and three flat outcomes
designed to be exhibited.
7. Identify any exceptional
practical requirements that the project will
necessitate: Please list anything beyond the
usual provisions of the programme.
For degree show: 3 Mannequins
8. Bibliography: Reference all resources including
images following the Harvard system.
Adler. K. and Pointon, M.
(eds.) (1993) The Body Imaged: The human
form and visual culture since the Renaissance. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
BBC News (2012). Fighting may have shaped the evolution of
the human hand. [Online] BBC News. Available at: [Accessed 4th November 2014]
Berman. P.G. (1993) Body and body polotic in Edvard Munch’s
Bathing Men. In Adler, K and Pointon, M. (eds.) The Body Imaged: The human form and visual culture since the
Renaissance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Buzzi. I. Aphrodite of Knidos/ Cnidus,
1562 – 1634, Sculpture (rendition of Praxiteles), Italy
Catgrin, Female sexuality,
not pubes, is why prudes took down this painting. [Online] BBS. Available at: [Accessed 22nd February 2015]
Gill, M. (1989) Image of the Body. New York: Doubleday
Dell Publishing Inc.
Gombrich, E. H. (1993) Gombrich on the Renaissance, Volume 2: Symbolic
images. 2nd Ed. London: Phaidon Press Ltd.
Harter, J. (1985) Hands A Pictorial Archive from Nineteenth
Century Sources. Ontario: Dover Publications.
Hatt, M. (1993) Muscles, Morals, Mind: the male body in
Thomas Eatkins’ Salutat. In Adler, K and Pointon, M. (eds.) The Body Imaged: The human form and visual
culture since the Renaissance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Hawkins. B.W. (1863)
Frontispiece to Evidence as to Mans Place
in Nature. In Huxley. T.H. Evidence
as to a Mans Place in Nature. (1863). In The Zoological Relations of Man
with the Lower Animals. (1861) 1st Ed. (p67 – 84.) London: The
Natural History Museum.
Jones. A.G. (1993) The ambivalence of male masquerade: Duchamp as Rrose S’elavy. In
Adler, K. and Pointon, M. (eds.) The Body
Imaged: The human form and visual culture since the Renaissance. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
London. B. (2014) ‘You can be beautiful even when you’ve had
parts of your body removed’: Woman 35 who twice survived breast cancer, reveals
her scars in inspirational naked shoot, Cosmopolitan Magazine. [Online]
Availiable at: [Accessed, 22nd February
Manet. E. Olympia,
1863, Oil on Canvas, 130x190cm, Musee d’Orsay, Paris, France
Masters, M. (1997 – 2014)
Does Petting a Cat Release Endorphins? [Online] The Nest. Last updated: 2014.
Available at: [Accessed 9th November 2014]
Micallef. A. 21st
Century Love, 2005
Micallef. A. and Grant. V. Micallef-1,
the Citizens of Fashion collection, 2013
Moore. G and von Minden. D.L.
(eds.) (2010) The History of
Fingerprints. [Online] Webservant. Last Updated: 15th
September2014. Available at: [Accessed 4th November 2014]
Nicol. K. (2012). Karen
Nicol’s Gallery. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 4th November 2014]
Nicol.K. Untitled, 2012,
Affordable art fair London
Prud’hon, P.P. (1800’s). Bust of Female Nude. [Painting] France.
Raynes. J. (2007) Figure Drawing & Anatomy for the Artist.
2nd Ed. London: Bounty Books.
SIOM Educational videos.
(2010). Range of Motion in the Hand and
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Stillfried. G and van der
Smagt. P. (2010) Movement Model of a
Human Hand Based on Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Venice: ICABB.
Taylor. T. (1999) Muscles of the Hand and Wrist. [Online]
Inner Body. Last Updated: 2014. Available at: [Accessed 4th November 2014]
Webster. M. (2014) Visual Dictionary Online: Hand. [Online]
Visual Dictionary Online. Last Updated: 2014. Available at: [Accessed 4th November 2014]
Young. R.W. (2003) Evolution
of the Human Hand: The Role of Throwing and Clubbing. Journal of Anatomy. January 2003, 165 – 174.
Zavaglia. C. (N.d.) Gallery.
[Online] Available at: [Accessed 4th November 2014]