Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Semester III: Possible campaign and questions for the concept panel


Blog Entry 15:

After researching possible ways in which I can use my work to create a possible campaign about femininity and body image, I have chosen a specific subject, BDD (Body Dysmorphic Disorder). I am unsure at this point whether using such a specific topic will affect how strong the messages created by the human hand can be.

I have also researched the work of Antony Micallef, specifically an exhibit in New York city which was intended to raise awareness about human sex trafficking. This campaign particularly interested me due to the way in which the imagery retained uniformity, even though the images were not all the same in colour or materials used, but rather by style. This uniformity without everything having to be exactly the same has made me consider how I can create imagery with varying amounts of embroidery or paint to create a similar effect for my outcomes.

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