Blog Entry 23:
After considering a rough sketch I did when looking to depict The Library (blog entry 15), I decided to illustrate a larger set of roughs that depicted what a "Librarian" of above average or "normal" (Borges, 1944) height might look like or how they might have to stand within the confinements of the hexagonal rooms.
"floor to ceiling is hardly greater than the height of a normal librarian." (Borges, 1944)
All imagery in this blog enrty is based on the Library of Babel by Jorge Luis Borges (to read follow the link below):
(Borges, 1944)
Sketches for this idea:

I have created the above sketches very quickly by using a technique I picked up in Life Drawing class, where the form is suggested as quickly as possible, whilst still being able to recognise how the subject is posed. I feel these sketches are all I need to visually show my idea, however I may incoperate a number of ideas which I have outlined from the text and add them together as a more finalised outcome.
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