Saturday, 3 January 2015

Semester II: The inability to use the hands


Blog entry 18:

Whilst conducting my research I was sent a set of Christmas cards, from an organisation/ charity called Mouth and Foot Painters Organisation. These cards were accompanied with a letter explaining that the cards were actually painted by people who through injury or birth defect did not have the use of their hands, the cards were instead painted with either the artists' feet or mouthes. This concept was one I found very interesting so I researched the idea further with a view to creating visuals.

When I got to the stage where I would move this initial research into my main sketchbook as an idea on which to create visual work, I got completely stuck. I decided to attempt to do a set of sample paintings using my right hand (strong hand), left hand (weaker hand), mouth and foot. I started by making a simple tracing of an image of the hand and repeating it onto four pieces of watercolour paper. I then proceeded to paint each image in tone (as I find tone earlier than mixing colour and wanted to give myself a fighting chance), with the aforementioned hands, mouth and feet. The results the poor at best. As a painter, I found last semester through researching paint, that I need a lot of control, so to relinquish my control by using other parts of my body to paint was very difficult for me.

Although this experiment taught me to appreciate the amount of practice and skill required to paint with the mouth, foot or even the weaker hand. I feel that through these visuals an audience might not be able to understand the message. Unfortunately I feel that this idea although interesting might not have enough scope to fully take over my masters project.

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